Diana Clark is a Life Coach certified in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) who has additional training in Counseling and Spiritual Direction.

NLP is an approach to changing belief patterns and behaviors set into the brain.

Diana is skilled at assisting people through life transitions and trauma recovery.

30 minute consultations are available free of charge.

You know how some people go through trauma and are never quite the same?  Many of these people go on to live what looks like a successful life, but on the inside they are struggling. 

Their experiences affect their relationships and hold them back from living their dreams and fully enjoying what they have. 

I help these people release past traumas, reconnect with their voice, and move forward to live an empowered life.



Emotional pain can hold us back from success and fulfillment, without us even knowing it.  

I guide people to be free from the past so they can live their best life.