what is life coaching?

Life Coaching is a powerful practice designed to take individuals from where they are in life to where they want to be.  Life Coaches are professionals that work with motivated individuals who want to reach a goal, make a change in life, or overcome a block, in order to shift their lives in a desired direction. During these transitions a coach helps you to discover what your obstacles or challenges are and assists you to choose a course of action that will lead you to live your best life.  Coaching with Diana is typically a two part process, which includes balancing the need to overcome emotional and spiritual blocks and work through shadow issues, with the goal of creating an intentional future. 

Coaches know that the client has the answers they need to create the change they are looking for.  The role of the coach is to help you find your own answers.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a process of becoming aware of the communication that occurs within and changing it with a disruption to the pattern. It is used for rapid and dramatic breakthroughs in an informal, less traditional manner.
